‘scratch your own itch’

I am a creative person, I like to make things from weird looking paintings to quick hardware and software mashups to create a historical graph om my homes electricity usage.

I was inspired a couple of years back by Massimo Banzi’s TED Talk on Arduino and how it’s changing the world (TED Talk – How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination) and it pretty much cemented my feelings and ideas about what I’m doing, why I do it and the approaches I take to things.

I’m a maker/crafter. I have an idea and I use the knowledge I have to hack something together to prototype that idea and if the idea is good I then extend that to improve my knowledge of the parts I’m using, or wipe out entire sections of it and learn something new and exciting.

If you can think it, you can do it, and above all things, scratch your own itch. It’s yours and it wont fully go away till you do.

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